Post last updated on July 26. 2021 by Wayne Wilson. Check also out the homepage for the latest posts

Information about LumenFreaks

About LumenFreaks
LumenFreaks is all about battery-powered light sources of the finest quality. The products listed on this site are from trusted manufacturers like Fenix, Olight, AceBeam, Imalent, and several others. When you order items from stores we link to, you can be sure you get your money’s worth. Here you can find everything from keychain flashlights to the brightest flashlight in the world, along with light sources in other categories, like headlamps, bike lights, lanterns, and more. The reviews and ratings here are calculated from an average of actual buyer’s reviews, so instead of trusting a single person review, you get feedback from hundreds of verified buyers that have actually tried the product. LumenFreaks don’t waste the time listing bad products, so everything you see here is safe to buy, as they have been selected due to their durability and quality of the materials they are made of. If you are looking for flashlights, you can skip straight to the best flashlights list and find your next favorite there. If you want the most powerful there is, check out the brightest flashlights section. When you are looking at specifications on the product pages of flashlights, you can come across a lot of technical terms that make no sense. We got you covered in the FAQ and guides section, there you can read up on terminology related to flashlights, batteries, etc. Should you have any questions or suggestions for the site, you are welcome to use the contact form to email the operator of LumenFreaks